How do I submit a paper to Art Histories Supplement 2.0 e-journal?
Can I submit a paper not responding to a particular call for papers?
Submissions should consist of:
a) a without word limit contribution; using footnotes,
b) a 100-150 word abstract,
c) a list of illustrations,
d) author(s) full address
Unless you respond to a particular guest edited volume call for papers, send your submission to itzortzak @
Files should be submitted in English and in Microsoft WORD format. Each image should be sent as a separate file; jpeg or .tiff (min. 300 dpi). Please note that all necessary copyright documentation for all quoted material and all illustrations must be included in the submission package.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
itzortzak (April 8, 2015). Submissions to ArtHS 2.0. Art Histories Society. Retrieved September 12, 2024 from