Art Histories Society plans to launch Art Histories Supplement 2.0 e-journal
Art Histories Supplement 2.0, previously Art History Supplement ( aims to continue working at for a free, academic, and open access art historical research. Published on-line in printable form and using the English language as a lingua franca, Art Histories Supplement 2.0 hopes to bring two times a year (January and August) new seminal papers, documents and material to the field of art history studies.
Guest editors are, therefore, being solicited.
Guest editors are to be responsible for:
- proposing a call for papers,
- the appropriate open communication of the call for papers,
- the final selection of papers,
- writing an editorial,
- sending papers, images – copyright cleared – and the editorial to the editor, at least, two months prior the intended publication date.
Respond to this call for expression of interest for guest editors to YannisTzortzakakis at
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
itzortzak (April 6, 2015). Art Histories Supplement 2.0. Art Histories Society. Retrieved January 21, 2025 from