CFP: History of art history

CFP: History of art history
Submission deadline 25 December 2011

This is an open call for papers for the next Art History Supplement (AHS).
The proposed general theme, but not limited to, is “History of art history”.
Submission deadline 25 December 2011.

AHS publishes material, dealing with all time periods, methodologies, media, techniques
and debates within the field of art history.

Contributions from any other science (social or not) corresponding to material culture are also

Refer to Art Histories Society website ( for more information




TOC: Art History Supplement, vol. 1, no. 5, December 2011

TOC: Art History Supplement, vol. 1, no. 5, December 2011

Table of Contents

01. A short interview with Michelle Lamunière

02. The Birth of Art Criticism in the United States, by Marc S. Smith

03. Riegl’s concept of age-value and the challenge of historicism in art history, by Adi Efal

04. A goodbye to sentiment. Architecture reviewed by art critics; Proposal for an article, by Rixt Hoekstra

05. National Gallery, London, UK, 2012 Exhibitions

06. Next issue; History of art history