CFP: Art world victims

Art History Supplement, vol. 4, no. 1, January 2014

Manuscripts due to December 15, 2013


Art world victims

There are images today, which are not considered as art; they are artefacts, or just secondary sources for art history. There had been images too that were not considered as art even in the recent past. Video games graphic design, fashion design or fashion shows, medical X-rays or possibly CT scans, for instance, outside a museum context are primarily being investigated for their functionality. Why a common strigil is to be found in a “classical” art museum? The same could be proposed for a casual medieval shoe, a sixteenth century wooden repository box or an ordinary eighteenth century lace when it comes to their introduction into an art museum.

Is the museum – gallery context still today a dominant citation for characterising something as art, in academic discourse ? Could it be challenged ? Is the approval of the so-called an art world very much needed for something to be coined as art or as artefact ? Do we study only what an art-world each time over the ages perceives as art ? Are we all victims of an art world, in the end ?

Manuscripts are more than welcome to explore the shift between the notion of art and artefact in images and material objects through a certain case study.

For more information on author’s guidelines, visit  


TOC: Art History Supplement, 3.6, November 2013

Art History Supplement, vol. 3, no. 6, November 2013

*Table of Contents*

1. Season’s Greetings or To Whom It May Concern [Editorial], 3

2. Pubblicità per la cultura e “Paragone Arte” [Short note], by Giulia Savio, Università degli Studi di Genova 7

3. Elevation of Jacopo Pesaro from the material world to the heavenly one by Titian, by Tolga Erkan, Ipek University   19

4. Books received 39

5. There are still many things to understand [Book review] Daniel Arasse, Take a closer look, trans. by Alyson Waters (2013), Princeton: Princeton University Press, by Ioannis Tzortzakakis 41

6. Call for Manuscripts 49

Art world victims

7. Call for Cover art 50

8. Call for Guest Editors 51

9. Donations 53

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Cover page art by Haris Lambert


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