TOC: ArtHS 2.0, issue 1

Art Histories Supplement 2.0
Issue 1, Summer 2015

Art Histories Supplement 2.0, previously Art History Supplement, aims to continue working at for a free, academic, and open access art historical research. Published on-line in printable form and using the English language as a lingua franca, Art Histories Supplement 2.0 hopes to bring two times a year (Winter and Summer) new seminal papers, documents and material to the field of art history studies.

Table of contents

The studiolo of Francesco I de’ Medici: A Recently-Found Inventory, by Lindsay Alberts, p.3

The Giorgio Vasari Project: A user-generated content project, p.25

Submissions to ArtHS 2.0, p.27

Call for editors, p.28

Books received; a call, p. 29


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Art History Supplement, vol. 4, no. 4, July 2014

Art History Supplement, vol. 4, no. 4, July 2014

The new issue of Art History Supplement is online.

Table of Contents

  • Editorial Board, 2
  • Editorial
    • Orpheus as a jester, AHS and I, 3
  • On the educational role of Facebook in art history [Short note], 22
  • The Art Detective Project, 33
  • Hal Foster, The First Pop Age [Book review], by Vlad Ionescu, 41
  • Call for manuscripts, 47
    • From Sacred to Secular, 47
    • Unorthodox Autobiographies, 48
    • El Greco and his oeuvre; between art history and visual culture, 50
  • Call for guest editors, 53

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TOC: Art History Supplement 4.3, May 2014

Table of Contents

Editorial board. 2

Editorial in absentia. 3

Małgorzata Rychert: The Mill and the Cross: an in-depth film analysis of Peter Brueghel’s painting The Way to Calvary. 5

Kathleen O’Neil: A suggestion for a classical source for Donatello’s Judith and Holofernes, the Mithraic Tauroctony. 17

Giorgio Bacci, Davide Lacagnina, Veronica Pesce, Denis Viva: Spreading visual culture; a digital project for contemporary art, literature and visual culture. State of the art, perspectives and collaborations. 27

Books received. 53

Call for manuscripts. 55

Louis Marin and the material condition. 55

Unorthodox Autobiographies. 57

Call for guest editors. 60

Call for artists. 61

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TOC : Art History Supplement, 4.2, March 2014

Art History Supplement, vol. 4, issue 2, March 2014

Table of Contents


1. Editorial. 4

2. G.M.P. (1911-1912), by Gertrude Stein. 11

3. The unknown masterpiece, by Honoré De Balzac. 94

4. A Manual of the Historical Development of Art, by Gustavus George Zerffi. 122

5. “Of Exotic and New Styles in Venice,” by Luigi Antonio Lanzi. 136

6. “How I met Enriqueta Harris and Tomas Harris,” by Nigel Glendinning. 166

7. CFP: Representations of the life of Leonardo da Vinci in motion pictures. 170

8. CFP: Louis Marin and the material condition. 173

9. Call for guest editors. 175

10. Call for artists. 176

11. Support us. 177


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TOC : Art History Supplement, vol. 4, issue 1, January 2014

Art History Supplement, vol. 4, issue 1, January 2014

Table of Contents


1. Editorial 4 

2. Anti-editorial
    What I learned about art history in grad school at a public u[niversity] 12
3. Van Gogh’s Last Supper Transforming “the guise of observable reality,” by Jared Baxter 18 
4. The spectrum of the figural: aesthetics in the eyes of Jean-François Lyotard, by Vlad Ionescu, KU Leuven 46
5. Books received 74
6. CFP: On the future of (social) history of art 75 
7. CFP: Representations of the life of Leonardo da Vinci in motion pictures 77 
8. Call for guest editors 80 

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